About Us
Cloverdale is situated just outside of Laceby village; it is very close to Grimsby. We are part of a small group consisting of six homes, four in Grimsby in North East Lincolnshire and two in North Lincolnshire.
The homes are regularly inspected by CQC and Local councils. The homes work together to provide the best possible care by maintaining these standards through continual staff training, encouraging NVQ or equivalent, and maintaining cleanliness and upkeep of the homes.
As the company is a family run business with over 20 years’ experience in the caring community you can be assured that we care for those that you care about.
The manager of the home has management experience for 14 years to including learning disability, nursing care, physical disability and the elderly .The Manager is supported by a team of carers that are experienced and trained to NVQ levels.

Standing in two acres of landscaped gardens, Cloverdale is a unique purpose build, accommodation for the elderly. All areas are on one floor with no need for lifts or ramps.
The home has all the advantages of being specifically designed for the elderly; it has managed to retain the character of a home.
All rooms are within easy reach of the bathrooms and toilets.
We provide two main lounges, conservatory, dining room, activity area and hairdressers room.
Cloverdale as recently been refurbished to dementia friendly standards.
Within our pleasant dining room residents are encouraged to take their meals, but can also have their meals in their own rooms if that is what they prefer.
The home has single rooms all of these are en suite having ample bedroom furniture, but also with enough space for personal items, photographs and ornaments to create a cosy environment.
Our shower rooms and bathrooms are fitted with the appropriate hoist aids to make bathing easier.

Cloverdale has an excellent and varied menu. All our food is made on the premises by our team of experienced catering staff. Our cooks produce home cooked nutritional meals. Each day there is a choice of home baked cakes for the residents to enjoy. All personal likes and dislikes are catered for along with specific dietary requirements.
There are hot drinks and snacks available throughout the day, and the menu reflects the seasonal changes.
Breakfast usually comprises of a choice of fruit juices, cereals and/or porridge followed by toast, jams, marmalade, tea or coffee and fresh fruit. Residents can choose to have a cooked breakfast also, if this is what they prefer.
The main meal is a two course lunch, always with an alternative choice and this is plentiful, delicious and nutritious. Usually on a Friday we have fish and chips and Sundays are the traditional roast dinner. We also have a choice of desserts and choice of fresh fruit available.
We cater for special meals such diabetic and low fat diets, and appreciate that some residents have smaller appetites than others and the staff come to know very quickly what our residents like and do not like.
Evening tea is about 4.30-5.00pm. Sometimes there is a soup in the evenings but residents can ask for this if it is not on the menu.
There are a variety of sandwiches and a choice of a hot dish like egg on toast, cheese on toast, spaghetti or tomatoes. A sweet dish and various cakes are also served for tea time.
Supper is around 7.30pm with a choice of drinks like Ovaltine, Horlicks, chocolate, tea coffee and biscuits or cake. Most residents prefer to have this supper in their own rooms but again the choice is left to them.
In addition to the main meals, tea, coffee and biscuits and fruit are provided throughout the day.
Our well equipped kitchen is fitted with stainless steel units and all the latest equipment for maximum hygiene and comfort.
Birthdays are a special event at Cloverdale and it is rare that a resident’s birthday will go unnoticed or uncelebrated with a cake baked in the premises to share with the other residents, family and friends.

Things to do
We have a dedicated activity room and a beauty salon, as we believe that having fun and enjoyable experiences enhance your overall happiness and wellbeing.
It is important to us that residents are encouraged to maintain a level of enthusiasm for getting involved in the range of activities provided. Our committed activity coordinator works hard to organise art and craft classes, baking and cake decorating sessions, pampering, sensory activities and external entertainment. There are regular provisions of hairdressing and chiropody. Most recently we have implemented an in-house shop that allows residents some independence and normality.
Traditional celebratory events during the year such as our Easter Party, Summer Faye, Christmas Faye and Christmas party take place. In the summer we had a big garden party to celebrate the Queens birthday and some of our local community joined us for this special day. We encourage our residents’ families and friends to celebrate birthdays with them and we often have parties in the lounge so that it is shared with the other residents and relatives. The home is happy to provide light refreshments for these events.
This year we have had sessions with local children coming in to sing and dance and the residents really enjoyed this.
Newspapers and periodicals can be delivered daily and there is a small library of books and magazines.
Every room is equipped with a television and radio can be arranged if necessary. Subscription to TVs can be arranged if needed.
The staff at Cloverdale are friendly, efficient and excellent in holistic caring. The Team Leaders are all experienced and have NVQ level 3 qualifications.
All new staff have to undertake a comprehensive induction and relevant training.
All of our staff are trained to the defined mandatory standards with most having more than the mandatory training. We encourage all of our staff to train to at least level 2 diploma (formally NVQ).
There is a Team Leader on duty at Cloverdale 24 hours, 7 days a week, along with other members of care staff dependent on the needs of the residents.
We are very proud of our staff because, they get to know all our residents well and are able to care for them in every way, by encouraging, prompting, reassuring, listening and helping them where necessary with personal care, and problems and giving them other assistance that may be required.
In addition to the care staff there are committed domestic staff to carry out the housework and laundry. Our cooks and kitchen assistants work hard to serve good wholesome food.